Thank you, Al Trautwig, for that quote- referencing Ebee. Always reliable for that kind of thing.
I can't deny that the withdrawal of
Simone Biles and
Larisa Iordache sucked a lot of the excitement out of this competition for me. I was also a little miffed that there were no new seniors. It's a great competition to make a debut, up against the Americans who don't compete much internationally, and in time to make adjustments for competitions like Euros or for national competitions. Last year saw the triumphant unveiling of
Simone Biles herself,
Katelyn Ohashi and
Gabby Jupp. Nevertheless, this year's competition still had a very decent lineup, despite snubbing by three of the big four.
The competition itself was a bit scrappy, but that's to be expected at this time of year, I tell myself.
The scoring! Notice that only five e-scores, vault aside, were higher than 8.5. We can of course attribute that to falls and mishaps, but it also points to logical scoring. This also happened last year but still a bit out of kilter then. It's refreshing. Long live the not-so-Scam.
Ebee Wow! Phenomenal routines from her, really her best ever bars and beam I think. An utterly deserving American Cup champion who left no room either for her competition or for any 'if only' about the placing. Untouchable. Not to mention sticking her bars and beam dismounts and her double double -
Chellsie Memmel '08 Trials style. Loving how her amplitude on her layout on beam has improved especially. She looks so ready to storm onto the Nanning team and be incredibly useful there.
Bars look to be getting more interesting in general with more people taking advantage of cool connections. You've got
Ebee's Church-Bail,
Brenna Dowell's Tweddle-Ezhova,
Roxana Popa's Maloney-between bars Gienger and Ray-Pak,
Victoria Moors' Ricna-Pak
Sophie Scheder's inbar-fest. Also liking the rejuvenation of lesser used releases like the previously mentioned Ricna and
Giulia Steingruber's Khorkina.
Brenna Dowell's bars in general. Better handstands than she had been showing recently and she managed the Ezhova very well, not letting it throw her off course. Really strong routine and the composition is tough, leaves her open for deductions but even with that, I think she could have been given a tenth or so higher and it would have been reasonable.
Victoria Moors' floor. Showing everyone not just what great choreography looks like but
fluidity. It flows so beautifully and that's so rare to see these days. Very good job on her eponymous skill too but I still wish she'd dump it to score higher with a beautiful tucked version.
Roxana Popa's
second pass. YES. I drool over this thing and the crowd went wild, appropriately.
Sophie Scheder's bars. Beautiful, quite different to others in its composition and such a gorgeous line to show off with.
Floor was strong for almost everyone, with some nice tumbling on display. A piked double front here, two tucked and one laidout double double, several flighty double layouts...awesome.
Not-so highlights
Falls. Sophie Scheder sitting her vault and crashing her 2.5 twist. In general, she showed herself as a specialist yesterday, but it's a little early to say that for sure.
Roxana Popa having to jump off bars after slamming her feet into the ground on her Pak after such glorious bars work right before - so upsetting. I was really hoping she could edge into the medals.
Carlotta Ferlito falling off beam.
The broadcast. I couldn't get my way around the geoblock to watch the Youtube broadcast, so I was stuck with NBC. Minimal gymnastics, far too much faffing around watching gymnasts drink water. Bleughh. Or my favourite, back after an ad break to see someone drink water, then another ad break. STAHHHP.
Good/Mixed/Bad Day For:
Ebee of course. Stellar routines.
Brenna Dowell Some mishaps, a non-steady beam and a big OOB on floor but overall she fought very well and got silver for good reason.
Victoria Moors Stayed on beam, showed off her upgrades and dazzled everyone on floor.
Giulia Steingruber So solid, and a well-earned bronze.
Mixed Day For:
Vanessa Ferrari Vault is not her friend and beam didn't go her way, yet such a great floor. It's amazing that she can still tumble and perform like that at the end of a competition.
Roxana Popa Great routines but huge mistakes on bars dragged her right down, though she recovered so well afterwards. She also missed her Memmel on floor.
Bad Day For:
Carlotta Ferlito had weak and mediocre routines, AND a fall. So thankful that NBC reined themselves in with no mention of previous controversy.
Sophie Scheder: Super disappointing vault and floor from her, despite bars being so great.
Actual best score: Vanessa Ferrari
Favourite: Roxana Popa even though her expression was a bit lacking
Second favourite: Victoria Moors
Actual best score: Ebee
Favourite: Sophie Scheder
Second favourite: Brenna Dowell
Actual best score: Ebee
Favourite: Victoria Moors
Second favourite: Giulia Steingruber
Actual best score: Ebee
Favourite: Ebee/Roxana Popa
Second favourite: Giulia Steingruber
1st- Roxana. Source- Kindly provided by Carmen Popa :) |
It just rocks- deep purple bodice colour, white accents, the neckline, the back, use of mesh.
2nd- Giulia. Copyright- USAG/John Cheng |
Classy, and so suited to her- elegant design, but also a bit badass just like her.
3rd- Ebee. Copyright- USAG/John Cheng |
Love the colour of this, and the design is nicely balanced.
I wrote this in a comment in the last post, but I'll stick with a general summation of: It wasn't a very exciting competition, but it was interesting.
Who was your favourite? How awesome are
Sophie Scheder's and
Giulia Steingruber's beam dismounts? Can you believe there actually wasn't a gross leotard?